The consciousness of each of us is evolution looking at itself and reflecting upon itself. Man is not the centre of the universe as once we thought in our simplicity, but something much more wonderful – the arrow pointing the way to the final unification of the world in terms of life. But this vision only acquires its full value – is indeed only defensible – through the simultaneous illumination within ourselves of the laws and conditions of heredity.
We have seen that evolution is am ascent towards consciousness. Therefore it should culminate forwards in some sort of supreme consciousness. But must not that consciousness, if it is supreme, contain in the highest degree what is the perfection of our consciousness – the illuminating involution of the being upon itself?
- The Phenomenon of Man
It is a terrifying thing to have been born: I mean, to find oneself, without having willed it, swept irrevocably along on a torrent of fearful energy which seems as though it wished to destroy everything it carries with it.
What I want, my God, is that by a reversal of forces which you alone can bring about, my terror in face of the nameless changes destined to renew my being may be turned into an overflowing joy at being transformed into you.
- The Hymn of the Universe